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 [1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg)

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Join date : 2014-06-28
Location : France

[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Empty
PostSubject: [1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg)   [1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2016 3:05 am

ProVet3rans 3-0 (1-0) The Bear Association

Played on: May, the 2nd
Referee: [1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Fr S7pt
Recs: Click!

[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Pl Zimel
[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Pl Xavi
[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Pl Hakaes
[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Pl haq

Goals: Zimel (9:25), Zimel (16:00), Zimel (16:30)
Assists: haq (8:11), Hakaes (16:00), Hakaes (16:30)
Owngoal: /
Cards: /

The Bear Association
[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Uk Jiminy Cricket
[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Uk Jai
[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) Uk Kosc
[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg) De Jds

Goals: /
Assists: /
Owngoals: /
Cards: /
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[1/2] The Bear Asso. 0-3 ProVet3rans (2nd leg)
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