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 Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2)

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Join date : 2014-06-28
Location : France

Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) Empty
PostSubject: Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2)   Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2014 6:48 am

Northside Rangers 0-1 (0-0) HaXpress

Played on: September, the 12th
Referee: Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) Sk Shamway & Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) It Javiier.
Rec: Click!

Northside Rangers :

Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) Pl Hitman
Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) Pl Adi
Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) Pl Red Cafe
Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) Pl Tello

Goals: /
Assists: /
Owngoals: /
Cards: /


Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) De Max Kruse (-> Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) Pl Fabregas [PL])
Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) De fishbone
Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) De Maker
Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2) At Xiii

Goals: fishbone (35:25)
Assists: Fabregas [PL] (35:25)
Owngoals: /
Cards: /
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Northside Rangers 0-1 HaXpress (Matchday #2)
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